


Poster Analysis:

1.For my poster the main focal point is my actor Jay Elzie. There isn’t a secondary focal point.

2. My title is prominently featured. I used was SF Movie poster that I got from dafont.com. I used the color red to match the color of his hat in the poster as well as to correlate well with the white in the poster.

3. Yes. The main actor is shown in my poster.

4.  The poster has a chill vibe to it. My actor is just relaxing having a good time just like in the music video.

5.  With the image that I choose for the poster the camera is slightly looking down at the main focal point of the poster.

6. The supporting text in my poster is grouped together at the bottom of the poster. Its at the bottom with the date of release.

7. I put the other images in the spaces that had more negative space so that the entire image was used.

8. The white shirt is repeatedly used throughout the poster to signify that ice cold look.

9. I feel like my poster does effectively represent the music video because in the video my actors are just relaxing having a good time and that is what my actor in the music video is doing.