
For my talent i chose 2 different backgrounds. For Reyna’s and Jamari’s background i chose to take their picture with a white background because I wanted to change the background color. They were both wearing black the day I took their picture so I wanted to make sure they stood out. For Jays picture I took it in the middle of the living room with the living room light and a lower light next to me. I wanted it to see like he was getting hit by sunlight which worked out. For Jay’s picture I changed the background to a dark grey hue. This made him pop more since he was wearing a light grey Stanislaus hoodie. I also cleaned up his beard as well as cleaned up his face entirely. I took out some blemishes that he had as well as some scars. I also took out the bags under his eyes and fixed his crooked hairline. If their was something that I would want to change next time is just the way I took the picture. In addition to all that I lightened up his eyes as well as make him brighter. For Jamari’s picture I had to change the levels on the picture to brighten him up. I also took the bags under his eyes as well as brightened up his eyes and whitened his teeth. I also removed the blemishes out as well. One thing I would change would be the lighting. I didnt have enough lighting to take this picture but I did as best I could. For Reyna’s picture I took out some dark spots as well as fixed her stray hairs.

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